+48 89 741 32 48


Pn-Pt - 8:00 - 16:00

AMO Pressure Air Inlet

AMO pressure air inlet

with the possibility of setting the diaphragm in the minimum flow position.

In the AMO pressure air inlet, the amount of air-flow depends on the pressure difference between inside and outside the room. The diffuser shutter can be set to the minimum flow position. The air inlet has a lock that does not allow to increase the flow with strong gusts. The air inlet is designed for installation in PVC, wooden and aluminium windows.

Type:pressure, self-regulating air inlet
Principle of operationthe amount of air flow depends on the pressure difference inside and outside the room
Air flow at a pressure difference of 10 Pa6-30 m³/h
Acoustic muffling/attenuation32 dB
Dimension390 x 25 x 27 mm (szer. x wys. x gł.)
Colourwhite, chestnut, oak, can be painted in any colour from the palette RAL
Technical approvalITB AT-15-8460/2010

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