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Windoor Export Award 2023 Certificate

AdamS Company is dynamically developing its foreign sales. This is confirmed by obtaining a certificate in the “Windoor Export Award” program in the category of large companies organized by Stolarka VIP. Exporters nominated to participate in the “Windoor Export Award” Competition were selected by Stolarka VIP and an independent jury. There was great interest in participating, but leading companies were selected and honored with a diploma during the 8th International Woodwork Forum, which took place on September 20-21, 2023 at the Lamberton Hotel in Ołtarzew near Warsaw.


Our company has obtained the Windoor Export Award certificate thanks to extensive experience in exporting its products, high quality production, potential for further export development and thanks to the fact that our products have gained the trust of customers on international markets.


AdamS is one of the leading companies in its segment, has an established position on the Polish market and impressive export potential.


The organizer summarized the perspectives of the distinguished companies, including us: “The distinguished companies are leaders who set the pace of development, promoting and strengthening Polish carpentry and the Polish economy. The point of the “Windoor Export Award” program was to select and appreciate several Polish companies in the construction joinery industry with only Polish capital, with the greatest export potential in the small, medium and large company category – says Grzegorz Cendrowski, CEO of Stolarka VIP. Being on the list is a clear signal to the winner’s foreign clients and contractors that the actions taken by him to improve the quality of products, services or management standards are continuous and provide a full guarantee of meeting the highest standards – adds the CEO of Stolarka VIP. Looking back at the past and the current achievements of Polish manufacturers of construction joinery, one cannot help but wonder – what amazing prospects does the future hold for the entire industry? This industry is developing at a very fast pace, introducing new technologies and materials and conquering new markets, which we sincerely wish to all.”


The award with the Windoor Export Award 2023 certificate is certainly a well-deserved proof of recognition for AdamS and an inspiration for other enterprises to strive for excellence in their field and go beyond the country’s borders.

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