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Eco Product 2022 Passiv-Line Ultra window

The Passiv-Line Ultra window won the title of Eco Product laureate in 2022. in the EkoProdukt VIP program – The Best Windows, Doors, Gates and Covers. Purposes of the program are promote and propagate the best ecological solutions.

Our passive window Passiv-Line Ultra has been awarded by features such as:

  • Low heat transfer coefficient for the entire window 1230 x 1480, Uw=0.66 W/m2*K
  • Energy efficiency – meaning a significant reduction in heating costs as the windows let more energy in than out
  • Definitely better thermal insulation,
  • Minimizing the loss at the window tightness level due to the practically no air exchange with the window closed
  • Elimination of thermal bridges, even at the level of the frame and its contact with the glass
  • better acoustic insulation thanks to glued glass and a triple set of gaskets.

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