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Adams Co. Window named Passive Line Ultra won Gold Medal MPT 2013

On 3 December 2012, the Competition Jury of MTP Gold Medal at BUDMA 2013 and WINDOOR TECH 2013 fairs, acting under the chairmanship of Professor Józef Jasiczak from Poznan University of Technology, decided to award the MTP Gold Medal to AdamS company’s product called Passiv-line ULTRA.

On January 29 – February 1, 2013. The AdamS company invites you to the pavilion 5A, at booth No. 14, which you can visit during the Budma – Windoor-Tech Poznan trade fair. At the same time, for the second time Window Factory Live will be held at booth No. 22, where windows will be produced by the Adams Company and then donated to a noble cause – to two institutions run by the CARITAS and the Children’s Village in Brzozów.

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